Basic Variations
- Chest Pass-A pass that a player should strive to throw it to a receiver by having your thumbs directly behind the ball.
- Bounce Pass-A pass that is thrown with the same motion however its aimed at the floor
- Overhead Pass-This pass is often used as an outlet pass. Bring the ball directly behind your head with both ands on the ball then follow through.
- Wrap Around Pass-A pass that happens when you step around your the defense player with your pivot foot.
- Baseball Pass-A baseball pass is a one-handed pass that uses the same motion as a baseball throw.
- Dribble Pass-A pass used to quickly pass the ball with one had off the dribble.
- Behind-The-Back-Pass-A pass that is used to confuse defenders you do this by bringing the ball behind the back.
- Pick And Roll Pass-A pass used when defenders double-team and is used to hold the ball from the defenders.